Real Estate for a changing world

Bnp paribas diversipierre: cogliere il potenziale

del real estate europeo



Changes effective from 15 July 2024:
The rate of the rights paid to the fund, which was previously 3.50%, will be temporarily reduced to 0% from 15 July 2024, onwards.

Click for more information





A flexible way to invest in Real Estate with liquidity*
A privileged access to european institutional Real Estate
A way to contribute to a greener society



A meaningful and responsible way to invest in Real Estate


Label ISR




Risk level


References to an award/label are not indicative of the future performance of the fund or the fund manager.


QuoteBNP Paribas Diversipierre is a real estate fund providing exposure to commercial real estate assets located in various cities across the Eurozone. Its blend of exposures to diverse real estate vehicles and asset classes offers its investors access to liquidity.Quote

Alexis ROBERT, Fund Manager




Risk of capital loss

The fund does not guarantee or protect the capital invested. Investors’ attention is drawn to the fact that the capital invested may not be recovered in full, even if investors retain their Shares for the entire recommended term of investment.

* Investors and prospects are informed that any subscription of shares in the fund or redemption of shares from the fund might take up to 7 working days to execute from the limit date of orders centralisation.



The Combined General Meeting of Shareholders of BNP Paribas Diversipierre - held on 26 January 2023 at 10:30 AM - approved the creation of new share classes.


Information concerning the General Meeting of 29 April 2024

In the absence of a sufficient quorum at the time of the Ordinary General Meeting on 29 April 2024, the shareholders of the OPCI BNP Paribas Diversipierre met at the Ordinary General Meeting upon second notification on 30 May 2024 at its head office and were able to validly deliberate on the resolutions submitted to them.

During this General Meeting, the 8 resolutions submitted to shareholders were adopted unanimously. 

Click here to access the BNP Paribas Diversipierre 2023 annual report.



BNP Paribas Real Estate Diversipierre blend assets balanced portfolio


Assets in portfolio

 Assets in portfolio as of 31/12/2021. Past acquisitions are not indicative of future acquisitions

European portfolio

  • France
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Luxembourg
  • Portugal
  • Spain


Spain Germany



















Per chi è prevista questa classe di azioni?


La classe di azioni P è destinata a tutti gli investitori ed, in particolare, a tutti i soggetti che sottoscrivono quote direttamente tramite contratti di assicurazione vita o tramite intermediari che possono applicare retrocessioni sia contrattualmente sia in applicazione della regolamentazione MIFID 2 o di altra regolamentazione nazionale.



Past performances do not prejudge of future performances.


risk indicator


The synthetic risk indicator is ranging from 1 to 7 (from lower risk to higher risk). In general, the investments with the highest potential return are also the riskiest. The higher the risk, the longer the recommended investment horizon. The SRI indicator is based on the historical volatility of the portfolio over the last 5 years. 



Latest NAV


as of 30/08/2024


Cumulated performance since 2014


as of 30/08/2024

Annualised performance since 2014


as of 30/08/2024

Performance Year to date


as of 30/08/2024



Volatility Year to date


as of 30/08/2024


* Past performances do not prejudge of future performances.

** Performances with reinvested dividends.


€100 minimum subscription*
Access to Commercial Real Estate, located across various European cities purchased and managed using proprietary and proven processes
Label ISR
All assets in portfolio are rigorously selected following ESG criteria. Our ISR label attests of our strong commitment towards the building of a better society


* We recommend a holding period of 8 years. Investors and prospects are informed that any subscription of shares in the fund or redemption of shares from the fund might take up to 7 working days to execute following the date from the limit date of orders centralisation. 

Risk of capital loss
The fund does not guarantee or protect the capital invested. Investors’ attention is also drawn to the fact that the fund may not perform in line with its objectives and that the capital invested may not be recovered in full, even if investors retain their Shares for the entire recommended term of investment.

Liquidity risk
The fund is exposed to liquidity risk as a result of low liquidity in the property market. Property sales require considerable time, which may be extended during periods of tension in this market. Consequently, the fund may find itself in a position where it is obliged to sell property at prices that are lower than their expert valuations. In such circumstances, there will be a negative impact on the net asset value of the fund.

Sustainibility risks
The FUND is exposed to sustainability risks, defined as any event or situation related to the environment, society or governance, which, if it occurs, may have a significant negative impact, whether actual or potential, on the income generated by the investment and/or its value. Environmental risk is the main ESG risk when it comes to managing property investments and may include both physical risks (for example, an extreme climate event) and risks associated with changes in circumstance (any new environmental regulation that may lead the FUND to incur direct or indirect expenditure). For example, new regulations may lead to the early obsolescence of the Fund’s property assets. If no corrective measures are taken, this could affect the value and/or liquidity of the asset on the investment market and/or its attractiveness for potential lenders. Investors are made aware of any potential capital expenditure that the FUND may incur to the extent necessary to maintain the value and liquidity of these assets. Such expenditure, if applicable, may temporarily reduce the income generated by the investment and, consequently, the return from the investor’s distribution.
Owing to the nature of sustainability risks and specific issues such as climate change, the likelihood that sustainability risks will have an impact on returns on financial products is likely to increase in the longer term.




Tipologia: OPCI

Data di lancio: 20/01/2014

Valuta del fondo: EUR

ISIN: FR0011513563



Articles of association - Solo in inglese -  [pdf - 371 Ko]

ESG - SFDR Appendix - Prospectus - Solo in inglese [pdf - 385 Ko]

Prospectus - Solo in inglese [pdf - 2 154 Ko]

KID 17 settembre 2024 Share Class P [pdf - 280 Ko]

Merger of BNP Paribas Securities Services and BNP Paribas - Solo in francese [pdf - 606 Ko]


30.08.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 105 Ko]

14.08.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 105 Ko]

31.07.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 75 Ko]

15.07.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 76 Ko]

28.06.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 75 Ko]

14.06.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 71 Ko]

31.05.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 75 Ko]

15.05.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 72 Ko]

30.04.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 72 Ko]

15.04.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 75 Ko]

28.03.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 75 Ko]

15.03.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 71 Ko]

29.02.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 76 Ko]

15.02.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 76 Ko]

31.01.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 74 Ko]

15.01.2024 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 75 Ko]

29.12.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 75 Ko]

15.12.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 71 Ko]

30.11.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 71 Ko]

15.11.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 71 Ko]

31.10.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 72 Ko]

13.10.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 72 Ko]

29.09.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 73 Ko]

15.09.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 73 Ko]

31.08.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 72 Ko]

14.08.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 119 Ko]

31.07.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 73 Ko]

13.07.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 75 Ko]

30.06.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 73 Ko]

15.06.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 74 Ko]

31.05.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 73 Ko]

15.05.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 74 Ko]

28.04.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese - Share Class P [pdf - 126 Ko]

14.04.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese [pdf - 73 Ko]

31.03.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese [pdf - 103 Ko]

15.03.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese [pdf - 73 Ko]

28.02.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese [pdf - 103 Ko]

15.02.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese [pdf - 75 Ko]

31.01.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese [pdf - 74 Ko]

13.01.2023 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese [pdf - 73 Ko]

30.12.2022 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese [pdf - 73 Ko]

14.01.2022 KPIs & Historical returns - Solo in inglese [pdf - 48 Ko]


Vita del fondo

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 luglio 2024 [pdf - 339 Ko]

Documento informativo periodico al 28 giugno 2024 [pdf - 458 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 28 giugno 2024 [pdf - 411 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 maggio 2024 [pdf - 375 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 30 aprile 2024 [pdf - 310 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 28 marzo 2024 [pdf - 371 Ko]

Relazione annuale 2023 - solo in inglese [pdf - 3,86 Mo]

Scheda informativa mensile al 29 febbraio 2024 [pdf - 460 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 gennaio 2024 [pdf - 445 Ko]

Documento informativo periodico al 29 dicembre 2023 [pdf - 437 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 29 dicembre 2023 [pdf - 401 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 30 novembre 2023 [pdf - 366 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 ottobre 2023 [pdf - 378 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 29 settembre 2023 [pdf - 372 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 agosto 2023 [pdf - 392 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 luglio 2023 [pdf - 241 Ko]

Documento informativo periodico al 31 giugno 2023 [pdf - 290 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 30 giugno 2023 [pdf - 378 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 maggio 2023 [pdf - 385 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 28 aprile 2023 [pdf - 377 Ko]

Documento informativo periodico al 31 marzo 2023 [pdf - 407 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 marzo 2023 [pdf - 389 Ko]

ESG - SFDR Appendix - Relazione annuale 2022 - solo in inglese [826 Ko]

Relazione annuale 2022 - solo in inglese [pdf - 4,98 Mo]

Scheda informativa mensile al 28 febbraio 2023 [pdf - 492 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 gennaio 2023 [pdf - 413 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 30 dicembre 2022 [pdf - 410 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 30 novembre 2022 [pdf - 368 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 ottobre 2022 [pdf - 340 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 30 settembre 2022 [pdf - 439 Ko]

Documento informativo periodico al 30 settembre 2022 [pdf - 439 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 agosto 2022 [pdf - 236 Ko]

Schdea informativa mensile al 29 luglio 2022 [pdf - 252 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 30 giugno 2022 [pdf - 359 Ko]

Documento informativo periodico al 30 giugno 2022 [pdf - 251 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 maggio 2022 [pdf - 353 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 29 aprile 2022 [pdf - 361 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 marzo 2022 [pdf - 397 Ko]

Documento informativo periodico al 31 marzo 2022 [pdf - 397 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 28 febbraio 2022 [pdf - 370 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 gennaio 2022 - Solo in Inglese [pdf - 387 Ko]

Scheda informativa mensile al 31 dicembre 2021 - Solo in Inglese [pdf - 327 Ko]

Documento informativo periodico al 31 dicembre 2021 - Solo in Inglese [pdf - 457 Ko]

Documento informativo periodico al 30 settembre 2021 - Solo in Inglese [pdf - 327 Ko]




Risk of capital loss
The fund does not guarantee or protect the capital invested. Investors’ attention is also drawn to the fact that the fund may not perform in line with its objectives and that the capital invested may not be recovered in full, even if investors retain their Shares for the entire recommended term of investment. 

Liquidity risk
The fund is exposed to liquidity risk as a result of low liquidity in the property market. Property sales require considerable time, which may be extended during periods of tension in this market. Consequently, the fund may find itself in a position where it is obliged to sell property at prices that are lower than their expert valuations. In such circumstances, there will be a negative impact on the net asset value of the fund.

Risks associated with the property market
Property investments made by the fund are directly or indirectly subject to the risks inherent in the ownership and management of property assets. In this respect, the performance and development of the invested capital is exposed to the risk associated with fluctuations in this asset class. Numerous factors (generally linked to the economy or more specifically to the property market) may have a negative impact on the value of the assets or participating interests held by the FUND and on its Net Asset Value. For more information, please refer to prospectus. The prospectus can be downloaded here.

Specific risks associated with development and off-plan sales transactions
The fund may engage in development transactions (property development contracts, delegated project management contracts etc.) and off-plan sales (VEFA) transactions, which are likely to expose it to the following risks:

  • Project management construction risks;
  • Risk of default by the developer, project manager or general contractors;
  • Risk of time-delayed revenue collection between completion of construction and rental of the building.

Development transactions expose the FUND to a potential reduction in Net Asset Value due to non-collection of rents, depreciation of fixed capital or technical disputes.

Counterparty risk
The FUND is exposed to counterparty risk: - on the property market, which may result in a loss of income in the event of non-payment by one or more tenants, which could lead to a fall in the Net Asset Value of the fund; - on forward financial instruments markets when one of the counterparties with whom a contract has been concluded fails to honour its commitments (for example, payment or repayment), which may lead to a fall in the net asset value.

Credit risk
A fall in an issuer’s credit quality may cause the value of the securities issued by the issuer to fall and lead to a decrease in the FUND’s net asset value.

Risk associated with the use of debt
The Management Company reserves the right to enter into debt in order to finance acquisitions and other work.
Under these conditions, fluctuations in the property market may have a considerable impact on the ability to repay the debt and fluctuations in the credit market may limit funding sources and significantly increase the cost of this funding. Leverage results in an increase in the investment capacity f the FUND and its performance but also in the risk of loss.

Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk is the risk that interest rate instruments may depreciate in value due to changes in interest rates. For example, an increase in interest rates is likely to reduce the market value of a fixed-rate bond. As the FUND may be invested in bond instruments or debt securities, an increase in interest rates may cause the net asset value to fall.

Currency risk
As part of the financial component's management, and more specifically as part of the strict framework for managing securities of listed REITs eligible to form part of the FUND's assets according to clause 2.3.b.i, the FUND may be required to hold securities denominated in currencies other than the euro. For reasons of clarity, it must be noted that other types of assets eligible to form part of the FUND's assets will be denominated in euro. Although a large part of the FUND's investments, income and expected expenses are denominated in euro, the FUND's activities as part of the strict framework for managing securities of listed REITs property companies may therefore be subject to risks of volatility in general exchange rates. For investments denominated in a foreign currency, the value of the investment in local currency will vary according to exchange rate fluctuations. The FUND may seek, at its discretion, to hedge the currency risk associated with the FUND's assets in countries that do not use the euro as their main currency. There is a risk that the hedging will not eliminate the full risk associated with the hedged amount. Moreover, as the hedging is only partial by design, the FUND remains exposed to the risk for any unhedged amount. Furthermore, there is no guarantee of the stability of the euro during the lifetime of the FUND. The payment of income and capital gains generated by the investments made by the FUND in some countries may depend on the existence of liquidity in the local currency concerned. It may be impossible or unfeasible to hedge the currency risk to which the FUND is exposed.

Equity risk
The FUND may be invested partly in property company shares. Equity markets may fluctuate significantly, with prices rising and falling sharply, and this will have a direct impact on the growth of the net asset value. Equity risk is also linked to small- and mid-cap company risk. The volume of securities listed on small- and mid-cap markets is relatively low. In the event of issues associated with low liquidity of these securities, these markets may experience greater, more significant and more rapid downturns than large-cap markets. Therefore, if the FUND is invested in equity markets, the net asset value of the FUND could fluctuate significantly, both upwards and downwards, particularly in periods of high volatility on the equity markets.

Risk associated with the use of derivative instruments
The FUND may use derivative instruments to hedge against adverse market exposure. There may be a risk of imperfect hedging that makes it impossible to fully protect the FUND from a fall in the value of the hedged assets. The net asset value of the FUND could therefore be affected.
The derivative products used may have low liquidity. Furthermore, the termination of a derivative product for any reason may have an adverse effect on the FUND’s net asset value.

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